Click on an image to see a larger photo and read the details about the artwork and the artist.
- A Dream For Tomorrow
- A Life Ahead
- A New Day
- Abundant Blue
- Adulthood
- After Autumn, comes Spring
- After the Storm
- And so a new day dawns
- Aqua Lux
- Assimilate Hope
- Beacons of Hope
- Between lightness and darkness
- Biker with Mask
- Birds Paradise
- Bitter Joy
- Bless the Rain
- Bougainvillea Bush – colors of hope and joy!
- Breaking storm
- Cadillac Street (Mitchell’s Plain)
- Cape Flats
- Coffee for two
- Cold day on Sani Pass Drakensberg
- Daisy hoping for a Mouse
- Deconstructed Botanicals
- Delft Rhino
- Delft Tortoise
- Die Bremer Musikante
- Door of Hope
- Exonerate
- Face in the Shadows
- Field of Flowers
- Fire
- Forest walk I
- Forest walk II
- Fragile
- Freedom
- Freedom to the Seas.
- Frida Kahlo…..2020/21
- Garbage Tuesday
- Getting there
- Girmek (come in)
- Gogo…….the family’s anchor.
- Golden Stream of Consciousness
- Green & Gold Hope for South Africa
- Grow hope
- Hands of hope
- Hello
- Hibiscus and Hummingbird
- Hope a New Day
- Hope for survival of the species
- Hope in the Midst of the Storm
- Hope is The Thing With Feathers (with thanks to Emily Dickinson)
- Hopeful gaze
- Houtbay Harbour
- Hydrangeas
- I Lift my Hands to Heaven
- I See under the Sea
- Joy (as in Hope)
- joy by sunset
- Joy of Life
- Joy to the World
- Lanterns
- Layla
- Learn, love, hope
- Lech, Czech & Rus
- Let the Children Play
- Let’s do this together.
- Light of faith
- Little Bird of Hope
- Living Hope at Dusk
- Looking to the future
- Love lives here.
- Magnolia explosion
- Mask off and breathe
- Masked Childhood but unmasked happiness
- Mid summer.
- Moon rise
- Morning sunshine
- Mother’s Pride
- My Daily Bread
- My Soul Sings
- Neo-Classic building- Crete
- New Dawn
- Night queen
- Orange dahlia
- Our Children, Hope!
- Our frontliners ; our heroes who deserve to be crowned…
- Paint My Sky
- Pangolin Hope for the future
- Prayer For
- Puppy Play
- Release
- Rietvlei dam
- Rise Again
- Road Less Travelled
- Rose Perfection
- SA Kilid Kilid Ang Bandera EspaÑola
- SA Kilid Kilid Ang Tapulanga
- Save Gentle Giants
- Seeking the light
- Sharing hope from Grandpa
- Shelter in place
- Silver Birch
- Snack time
- Soya Sauce
- Spectacular
- Spring has come
- Steadfast – The CSF Lighthouse
- Strength through Perseverance
- Tea and sunshine
- The Beacon of Hope
- The Guiding Light
- The Last Sun dance
- The News Reader-Crete
- The Temptress_The Philippine Eagle
- The Test
- The Village Shop
- This Too Shall Last
- To build is to hope
- Tommorow People
- Tree of People
- Umhlanga Rocks
- Uncle Hamid
- Washing Day
- watching the sunset
- Water Lily #2
- Where Hope Never Ends
- Where we meet
- Wild Sunflower
- Wonder
- Youthfull